In Need of Servants for Students

Middle through High school was such sweet time for me. It was at this stage of my life when God changed me forever. I was in 8th grade when I really started to search for my identity. Who am I? What am I about? What do I like? What do I dislike? I began searching and hanging out with different people. Some were good influences while others were not so. After a while, a group of guys started inviting me to youth group at church. I figured they seemed nice and all, why not?

Hanging out with them was different. They weren’t like the others. They were genuine. It seemed like they really cared about me, not only them but the adults and volunteers that were at the youth gatherings.  I felt comfortable. I felt safe. I began to really listen to the message at youth group and began to attend church on Sunday mornings. It was then that God through the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the gospel message; that God, the Lord and Creator of all things created me to be in His image, man sinned and turned away from God (I sinned and turned away from God), and Jesus Christ came to welcome us into God’s family. This was the beautiful truth I embraced and loved, confessing my sin and placing my faith in Jesus. God pursued me even when I was oblivious of His love and authority. He gave me new life through Jesus Christ.

There was not a lot going on when I was going through school.  Can you imagine being a teenager nowadays?? Constantly being caught up in the wave of social media, pressures to look a certain way, bullies in person or online. I want students to know that they are loved and cared for. I use the term “students” because they are constantly growing and learning things and habits that they will carry with them the rest of their lives. They are young people who will soon reach adulthood. I want students to know that they are created in God’s image and that they are loved by Him, that Christ died for them, to cleanse their sins and redeem them into His family.

Please pray for our students at New City Church. Pray that they would come to know and love the Gospel. Through Christ they are given a new identity, a son or daughter of Jesus. Pray for servants who would be willing to love and invest in students. Ask yourself if you would be willing to serve our students. If you aren’t currently serving, consider investing in our students. I would love to talk with you about what that looks like here at New City. Please contact me:

Arthur Lin
Director of Worship and Youth
New City Church


Music For The Glory of God: Forever


Growing in the Gospel is a Journey