In Gratitude for 2020 (!)

As the calendar turns to the last page of 2020, I find myself more thankful for the Christmas season than I have been in years. First and foremost, we kicked off this advent season this past Sunday with a reminder of the hope that we have in Jesus. He came to rescue us; we are rescued in this life and in the life to come. Praise God for his mercy and goodness!

Earlier in the year, because of COVID, our Sunday worship gatherings were interrupted for several weeks, and they have been restricted ever since. Even so, God has continued to bless the ministry of New City Church. I grow even more thankful as I reflect on His faithfulness to work in our midst in many ways:

Missional Community (MC) Growth

Our MCs (small groups gathering in homes) are our primary expressions of our identities in Christ as family, missionaries, and servants. Our MCs grow and then they multiply. This year we launched 4 new MCs across Macon with new leaders and co-leaders, and at least 1 more launch is planned for the near future.

Our new MCs have already found creative ways to serve and be on mission in this difficult season! The Wesleyan Estates MC sent the Wesleyan College RUF students home for the holidays with some incredible care packages. The North Macon & Beall’s Hill MCs are serving Campus Clubs to help minister to kids in the Pleasant Hill neighborhood. The Vine-Ingle MC is dreaming and praying through creative ways to reach their neighbors. We are thankful for God’s work in and through these MC plants!

New City East Side Replant

Early in 2020, shortly after COVID hit, God connected us to a leader at Northridge Baptist Church at just the right time. Their church was dying, and God united the hearts of both leadership teams for the purpose of replanting the church with a renewed focus on the mission.

To help prepare the church to be replanted, a number of New City Macon partners volunteered to spend several months in this new church. They and their children – 12 families, totaling over 40 people – bravely joined the Core Team for the replant. These families are now leading and serving at New City East Side, working to build a new culture that is focused on seeing the gospel transform everything in reach.

Pastor Lawrence Robinson has been actively serving and leading at New City East Side – preaching, helping with Reimagining Sunday School, leading the Deacons, casting vision, and encouraging the congregation. David Bearchell was hired as interim leader of the Worship Team, sharing the gospel through songs and liturgy.

New City East Side will have launched 4 Missional Communities by early 2021. I am excited to see how these groups will grow as family, and how they will work on mission together!

Leadership Development

New City could not launch new MCs or plant/replant churches without active investment in leaders.

This year our fourth Men’s Leadership Cohort and our third Women’s Leadership Cohort were launched. Men and women in the church are growing in their theology as well as their abilities to lead in their contexts. Women are growing in their understanding that all believers are called to lead in every area of life — at home, at work and at play. They have grown in their understanding of our great God, scripture, the gospel, and what it means to lead as image bearers.

A round of MC Leader Training was completed in the spring, and another group was launched last month. Some of the newly trained leaders from the spring are already leading the newly planted MCs!

A Replant Residency was created to raise up future pastors, anticipating that more churches will need revitalization or replanting in the future. One of the residents commented that the content of this residency should be required curriculum at all seminaries!

Lauren Seward was hired to lead the Worship Team at New City East Side – Arthur Lin will train and equip Lauren over the next couple of months to prepare her to take over for David. Lauren is excited to join the mission at New City East Side!


I am thankful that New City Macon family members have donated thousands and thousands of dollars for COVID relief. Much of the funding has been allocated to those in need, whether partners, visitors, or those in our circles who we are able to help. Many lives have been directly impacted by your generosity! [COVID relief funds are still available – please reach out if you have a COVID-related need or know of a need in your circle.]

Our church is also supporting some in our family who have lost jobs not related to COVID, or others in our community who do not have a place to live. Benevolence has increased for those in our family who are seeking counseling help, whether individuals or married couples. We continue to financially support long-term partners like DFCS, and we are adding support for new missional partnerships, like Lexi Ward and Athletes in Action.

I am praising God for His work in our New City family. COVID may have impacted our Sunday gathering, but it has not slowed down the mission of the church. I am thankful that God has allowed New City to be a multiplying church. In Matthew 16 Jesus tells Peter that even the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church. May God continue to use New City Church to pursue His mission and glorify His name for years and years to come!


WARNING: You Are Drifting


Away In A Manger (All Glory To Jesus)