"I will not be anxious..."

I’m especially excited to be learning this song at New City. It is such a great reminder of the Gospel and the victory we have in Jesus. It helps me to put into perspective who is actually in control when my heart is anxious and my head is filled with fears

I have an almost 2 year old girl that is the definition of adorable! I love being her dad. I love that when I come home she drops everything and runs to me with both arms wide open. Now she’s yelling “Da-Da” as she runs toward me and it’s just icing on the cake. When I sit down and start to think of her future…man does my heart get heavy. I start thinking of  future education, athletics, music, etc. What is she going to choose? Is she going to be a good student? She’s Asian so she has to learn the violin right? Oh and did I mention she’s adorable?! Which boys are gonna holla’ at her? Which is the best shotgun? Will she end up with someone who loves Jesus who loves and treats her well? Will she grow up loving Jesus? 

When my mind spirals like this, my heart races and worry grips me because I realize I can’t control everything. My wife and I can try our best to live out the gospel in front of her, teaching and showing her the love of Jesus. We can teach her manners and proper etiquette. But, the truth is I can’t make her pursue this or that. I can’t control her likes and dislikes. I can’t pick her future occupation. I can’t make her fall in love with this guy instead of that guy. (Sidebar: let’s revisit this arranged marriage thing.) The funny thing is when I come to the realization that I am not in control, I try even harder to control things. When that inevitably fails I become even more anxious than I was before. It’s in those moments when I forget about who is really in control. Verse 1 of the song says:

"I will not be anxious, Jesus You are near
The peace of God surrounding me
is casting out all fear
The hand that holds the heavens
is the mighty hand that saves
The voice that calms the storming seas
is calling me by name"

When my mind is filled with the roaring waves of fear and anxiety, I forget that God is in control. I have to stop and pray and repent of my misbelief. I remind myself that the God who crafted me and holds the heavens up with His hand is mighty and He alone saves. Try as I might, I could never control something as big as my daughters fate, nor can I bear that weight and pressure. The beautiful and reassuring thing is that God cares for my daughter more than I ever could. He beautifully crafted her into the adorable little being she is and continues to poor out love and grace. I know that because of Jesus. I know that because of what the Son of God did for us. Because of His perfectly lived out life, He was able to bear the weight of our sin to the cross so that we who have trusted and believed could have everlasting life. Through all of this He was in control. He has shown Himself to be loving, caring, kind, gracious, and merciful. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we are able to sing of this victory over sin and death.

"When I have forgotten the fullness of your grace
Yes, I remember calvary, when You took my place.
I’m singing in the victory, the victory of the cross
And resting in the shadow of your redeeming love
I’m standing on the promise, the promise of new life
I am Yours forever and Jesus You are mine,
Jesus You are mine."

I don’t have to be anxious. I don’t have to worry and fill my head with thoughts of what could be. I am not in control. I say that again. I am not in control. There is One who is in complete control, who loves and cares for my daughter way more than I ever well, and His name is Jesus. 


I will not be anxious, Jesus you are near
The peace of God surrounding me casting out all fear
The hand that holds the Heavens is the mighty hand that saves
The voice that calms the storming seas is calling me by name

I’m singing in the vict’ry the vict’ry of the cross
Resting in the shadow of Your redeeming love
I’m standing on the promise, the promise of new life
‘Cause I am Yours forever and Jesus You are mine,
Jesus You are mine

When I have forgotten the fullness of Your grace
Yes, I remember Calvary when You took my place

There is no one like You God, love immeasurable and strong
There is no one like You God, so lead this heart to sing in awe
There is no one like You God, love immeasurable and strong
There is no one like You God, so lead this heart to sing in awe

Words and Music by Marcus Dawes, Brett Land, Aaron Ivey,
Jaleesa McCreary, Logan Walter, Dietrich Schmidt
© 2017 Austin Stone Music (ASCAP). All rights reserved.


When they prayed together, the impossible happened


Stop Now and Make a List