Good To Me

We’ve been learning a new song these past few weeks. I can personally say as a musician, it’s been a lot of fun singing and playing this song with the band. It has a funky, joyful sound that makes you want to get up and dance!…or sway if you’re not really into that. But, have you had a chance to really look at the lyrics, the words we’re singing? Take a second to read through them below:

Good To Me

Verse 1
Lord when I’m tempted to look down
Down upon my neighbor
As if their sins are greater
Greater than my own
Gracious and timely
Your word reminds me
All the ways and the times you
Came and rescued my soul

‘Cause when you were above me
Oh you came here to serve and to love me
Though I didn’t deserve it, there’s nothing
That you didn’t do for me

Lord, you are good to me, yeah
Forever I’m grateful
Forever I’m grateful
I’m grateful to you

Verse 2
And when I’m tempted to turn my 
Back on my brother
Or overlook the other ‘cause they’re nothing like me
So gracious and timely
Your word reminds me
All the ways and the times you
Came and rescued me

‘Cause when you were above me
Oh you came here to serve and to love me
Though I didn’t deserve it, there’s nothing
That you didn’t do for me

Lord, you are good to me, yeah
Forever I’m grateful
Forever I’m grateful
I’m grateful to you

You fill my songs with love
Oh how You’ve blessed me
And you made me a blessing
For the whole world to see

You fill my songs with love
Oh how You’ve blessed me
And you made me a blessing
So the world will be believe

Words & Music by Russ Mohr, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Thomas Paden
From the Album “Kingdom Sessions” by Russ Mohr
© Art in Studio

Getting past the “A, B, C…1, 2, 3” feel, goodness gracious do those lyrics hit home, right? There are three things I want us to see in this song:

1. God is Good

God created us to bear his image on this earth, to let our lives be lived in worship of Him, our Creator. Since Adam and Eve sin has distorted everything. Rather than loving Him and loving others and worshipping Him alone, we love ourselves more and lift ourselves up above God. In our sin, we deserved death for our rebellion. Yet, God in His goodness sent His Son Jesus to the earth, to live the holy, good life we failed to, to take on the punishment that was meant for us, and to raise to new life defeating death once and for all. This is why we say God is good!! Even in our rebellion, He pursued us and offers forgiveness and everlasting life. 

2.  Confession

The verses talk about how we easily look down upon others and compare ourselves as better than others. Because of sin, we’re all tempted to elevate ourselves above others. Through this song’s verses we recognize the sin in our lives and confess it to the God who offers forgiveness and hope through Jesus Christ. 

3. Mission

We’ve received this blessing of Salvation and it’s oh so good right?! We rejoice in that. But it doesn’t just stop there. In the bridge we sing, “Oh how You’ve blessed me / And you made me a blessing / So the world will be believe.” With our eyes open to the grace and goodness of our God, having experienced new life, we go sharing with others the beautiful gift of Jesus. We go as missionaries sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those who long to hear and know Him, whether they know it yet or not. 

This song wasn’t just chosen because of the fun sound and vibe. It was also chosen because like the many other songs we sing at New City, it’s full of gospel truths that point our hearts and minds to the good news of Jesus. So join us this Sunday as we have another opportunity to sing and rejoice together!


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Who We Are: Servants