God, Why Are There No Leaders?!?!

I can’t tell you how many times I have quit as the lead pastor of New City.
I can’t count the number of times I’ve said, “That’s it; I can’t do this anymore.”
There is so much to do - meeting with people in the church and people interested in the church; meeting with people in the community; meeting with other pastors; marriages; funerals; babies. Plan the next training event. Attend the next community event. Build the website. Keep the social media posts coming… And you guys have no idea how quickly Sunday comes back around. Dear God it’s Thursday and I haven’t started to think about Sunday. Every sermon is like a college paper and presentation - 40 minutes, keep their attention, accurately teach the Scripture in its context, be deep enough for the theologians who are there and simple enough for those who have never been to church and have little idea of what the Christian faith really is, and make application of the text that is meaningful, clear and concrete. And then there is my own family.
“God, I’m done. Why have you not sent more help?!”

I prayed often for leaders in the church. I often felt desperate and very alone. I begged God, “Send help.” I tried to bring in people outside of New City who had leadership potential or were already leaders. Time and time again those efforts were fruitless, and I was again angry with God and ready once more to quit.

Early in 2017 a friend, Donnie Griggs came to New City for a One Day Conference, Small Town Jesus. I was once again exhausted and feeling like I was reaching the end of myself. Donnie is a lead pastor and the Lord has blessed his work at One Harbor church! The church had grown tremendously and at the time had 3 campuses with Donnie’s campus running about 800 in attendance.

I remember our conversation at some point.
Me: Where do you find your staff hires? Some of ours have just not gone great.
Donnie: What do you mean? (like I was asking either a really hard question or a really dumb one!)
Me: I mean, how do you find people who are a fit for what you guys believe and what you are doing? Where do you advertise? What is your process for evaluating them?
Donnie: OH!!! We don’t do that. We’ve never hired outside of our church. All of our staff at all 3 campuses have been hired from within.
Me: *JAW DROP. Stutter. Squinted eyes. Silence. Sigh. BIG huff.* How? How do you do that?

Donnie was gracious. He went on to talk to me about their leadership development process and a one very key component that we were missing, a Leadership Cohort. Donnie had someone from their staff send me the entire syllabus for a 9 month training intensive where theology, pneumatology, Christology, missiology and ecclesiology were taught with an emphasis on not just knowing more but on how those areas of study and truth should impact us as leaders in every area of life. He said, “Keith we have just been super intentional to train men and women to lead, and they’re doing it.”

By summer, 2017 we had tweaked One Harbor’s Leadership Cohort materials and invited our first group of men. In 2018 we continued the Men’s Cohort and a couple of our New City ladies took on the task of creating a Women’s Leadership Cohort. They borrowed from One Harbor and built on their framework. That year we had a men’s Cohort and women’s Cohort running at the same time! This year we are gearing up for our 5th Men’s Leadership Cohort and our 4th Women’s Leadership Cohort!

Here is where it gets really good!

  • In the last couple of years we have raised up leaders and co-leaders for more than 6 new Missional Communities! (Each MC plant requires 2 MC Leaders, 2 MC Co-Leaders and a committed MC planting family.)

  • We hired a part-time children’s director for New City Macon from within New City.

  • We hired a Director of Connection and Community who came back to New City for the job (pretty much an inside hire!).

  • We just hired a part time Student Director from within.

  • We sent a New City Elder to be the Interim Lead Pastor at New City East Side, a church replant - an inside hire.

  • We hired a part-time Children’s Director for the replant from New City Macon.

  • We sent MC Leaders and Co-Leaders from Macon to East Side.

  • We sent MC Coaches from Macon to East Side.

  • We sent a Connect Team Leader and Trainer from Macon to East Side.

  • We sent an interim Director of Worship and musicians from Macon to East Side.

  • We sent workers for the children’s ministry and tech team from Macon to East Side.

  • And I am sure I am leaving someone and something out!

While we have certainly felt the loss of the almost 50 people who originally left Macon to serve with East Side, we have not had a real leadership hole that hasn’t been filled or isn’t being filled! AND last year we started a Residency for men who want to plant or replant churches - two men will finish our first residency this month!

I don’t even lead the Men’s Cohort anymore. I have passed on those responsibilities to men who went through the Cohort in years past. The Women’s Cohort started with 2 leaders and this year will grow that number to 6 leaders. Not only that! This year we will be equipping men and women from New City East Side to take the cohort back to East Side with them, starting their own Leadership Cohorts in 2022. Amazing.

Looking back, I remember those agonizing prayers, begging for God to send leaders. I remember asking, “God, why are there not more leaders?”
I know in part the answer now.
They were there all along, some of them at least, waiting for someone to tell them they were leaders and equip them to lead.

I am thankful for the men and women stepping into so many leadership roles here and in other places outside of the church. I am thankful for my friend Donnie (and for the people who shared their leadership training materials with him!). I am thankful I didn’t quit.
I have seen God do something really amazing here, and I am thankful he has been so gracious and patient with me. I am excited to see what happens next.

If you are at New City and ready to take some next steps for growth in leadership, talk to me!
If you are a leader at another church and want to see more leaders raised up in your church, we would be glad to share with you as others have shared with us!
Silver and gold, we have none, but what we have we freely give! (Acts 3:6)


Different Ages and Stages of Life


Hearts Designed for Worship