Building Update

We are holding steady at about 85% of the funding that we need to close the building, get into the building and continue operating. This is a big PRAISE! You guys have done a tremendous job of investing in our future. We need to raise an additional $20,000-25,000 to reach our goal.

I am scheduled to meet Friday with the architect and contractor for a walk through of the building. The contractor will then put together his timeline and the paperwork necessary for the bank. At that point we should be ready to close the loan in early January. We will, Lord willing, move quickly with repairs and I am hopeful that we may be in the building in early March.

I'll let you know more about timing and closing as I know more.
If you haven't given to help us take our next steps, please prayerfully, joyfully and sacrificially do so.

Don't forget our gathering this Saturday at 4:00pm. We'll sing a song or 2 together, pray for the building and this process together and then tour the building.


Family Advent Art and Reading Guide


What Do We Tell Our Children About the Attacks?