Be A Lamp for All My Days

There are a lot of things in our world that claim to be the light, that claim to be THE truth, that claim to satisfy your soul like no other. They promise riches. They promise safety and comfort. They promise retirement plans and a life of leisure. They promise more social media likes or fame. They promise a satisfied and fulfilled life. 

Which one do I choose? 

The problem with all of these promises is that sooner or later each and every one on this earth falls short. 

As we learn this next song I pray that all of us (me included!) would take some time from our busy schedules, our endless scrolling, our side hustles or side projects and spend time seeking Jesus. I pray we would spend more and more time praying and reading scripture. Christ is the truth we all seek and need. We need truth that reminds us of who we really are in light of who God is and what He has done for us in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 
His is the light that is inextinguishable. 
He is the One who truly satisfies. 
He is the promise that will never ever fail. 
He is the light that we need. 
He is the truth that we need. 

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6

Be a Lamp For All My Days

Be a lamp for all my days Lord
Bear a torch that I might see
Through the fog of bitter pain and
know your purpose lies beneath
Oh to taste and see the gospel
As I never have before
Be a lamp for all my days and 
I shall walk in endless joy

As I sojourn ‘cross this desert
through the plains of doubtful nights,
Speak the words that guide my footsteps 
Let them shine as stars so bright. 
Point me northward to that country
Where my soul will find its home
Be a lamp for all my days and
I shall walk in endless joy

You’re the lamp the Light of heaven
Dawn of mercy for all men
Through your death and resurrection
sons of night are born again
What a gift so free and moving
Sets ablaze my fainting soul.
Be a lamp for all my days and 
I shall walk in endless joy

CCLI#: 7119648. Words and Music: Kha Do ©2018 Broadman Press (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
Arrangement from Album Lead Me Home by Sojourn Music J-town
All Rights Reserved


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