Answered Prayers

Over the the past couple of years, amid the pandemic, God provided an opportunity for New City. It was an opportunity to help a church that was facing the possibility of closing its doors forever. During the pandemic many churches were hurting and Joey Olivier, our Director of Operations, reached out to many churches in the surrounding area to see if we could help in any way. One church responded and told us their situation, Northridge Baptist Church. From that point it has been a beautiful experience of watching God save and restore His church. Many prayers were answered. Among them was finding a Worship Director to help lead on Sunday mornings. 

First, David Bearchell answered the call to serve for a season. He and Angela and their children served and loved on New City East Side. What an awesome answer to prayer! David helped get systems and tech in place as well as provided constant leadership on Sunday mornings. David and Angela, thank you so much for serving and helping at the very start! 

Knowing David was temporary, we immediately began praying for someone to become the next Worship Director. Quite honestly, I didn’t have much hope. With learning to write Sunday morning liturgy, diving into New City East Side MC’s, and it being a part-time position,  I didn’t think we’d have much response. To be honest we didn’t. But, one of the two applicants was Lauren Seward. 

Lauren was an answered prayer for New City East Side. She began with such energy and humility to learn. She began investing in the musicians there and the congregation immediately! She has lead others on Sunday morning to sing gospel truths and writing liturgy. She has grown a team of liturgy writers. She has worked hard with learning the tech side of things and growing that team. She’s spent time training other musicians in writing liturgy. Those serving in music have grown from 1 or 2 on Sunday morning to a full band! Lauren, thank you so much for leading and serving at New City East Side! Thank you for leading others to sing the good news of Jesus! 

As she is stepping down to pursue more schooling and have more time with her daughter, we found ourselves in the same posture of prayer, asking God to provide. And He did in a mighty way. Lisa Watkins has accepted the position of Interim Worship Director! Lisa and Donald have been part of New City Macon for many years. Donald serves as an Elder and Lisa has served on music team since day one. She has been so faithful in serving and leading others to sing the good news of Jesus! In preparing to step into that role, she has been talking with Arthur Lin, (Worship Director at New City Macon) and he will continue to be a resource to her as she serves in this capacity. It is so so sad to see Lisa and Donald go from New City Macon but we are so very excited for them and grateful for the Lord’s provision. 

This Sunday (May 29) will be Lisa’s last Sunday with serving on the music team at New City Macon.
June 5 will be her first Sunday serving as Interim Worship Director at New City East Side. Pray for them as they transition to New City East Side. Also, be sure to show your appreciation to them when you see them this Sunday! 

*And if you or anyone you know may be interested in the Worship Director position at New City East Side, please let them know and apply here.


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Worship as Witness