Another Move?

It looks that way, like another move may be in our near future. We really wanted to wait until we had a little more certainty on things before going public but the very public Planning and Zoning hearing caught the attention of 41 NBC, WMGT. They gathered information from our submission to P & Z and ran a short story. So we thought we should let everyone in on where things stand.

The Need
Last fall, it became evident that we were outgrowing facilities, especially in New City Kids. We met with a realtor and talked with a couple of contractors to try to figure out our next best steps. We considered adding on children’s space and determined that would be a very temporary fix- it wouldn’t be long until we were out of worship space at the rate we were growing. We then looked at adding on both children's and worship space. Not only would that be INCREDIBLY expensive but limited parking and what we would lose by adding on also had to be considered. Staff, elders and an “Expansion Team” thought that we needed to look at a potential move. So the property searcj started.

The Search
We looked.
And we looked.
And we looked some more.
There are very few properties in the downtown area that could meet our needs for gathering, kid’s space and parking - at a price we could afford. We not only looked at every available property on the market, touring several, we also chased down some owners of properties not on the market. While our desire was to remain downtown, our search included properties all over Macon.

Then Came COVID
January and February really stretched our space, staff and volunteers. It was clear we needed to keep pressing to resolve our building issues. Then came COVID. If there is a silver lining to the COVID problems, for us it may be that our space problems were temporarily erased. During the first months of COVID our search was put on hold. Though we weren’t actively viewing properties in person, we continued to view available properties online. Nothing really changed in the downtown market of available properties; there have been none that meet our needs. In addition, offers on two properties not on the market were rejected.

Strike it Off the List
When school started back, I was taking one of my boys to Central Georgia Tech for a class. I noticed a For Sale sign on the old Rooms to Go building on Eisenhower. Out of curiosity I drove in to take a look. Later I checked online information for the size and age of the building. For a few weeks that was it.
The realtor we had been working with had a potential property and wanted to talk. Our staff took a look at the property but didn’t think it was a viable option. Remembering the Rooms to Go building, I asked the realtor for information. When I received it, I talked with the staff. The initial response was less than enthusiastic. “Let’s schedule a look at it,” I suggested, “so we can at least strike it off the list of potential properties.” So we scheduled it. Staff and Elders met to view the property.
But to our surprise we couldn’t strike it from the list! Though we had previously had no particular desire to locate to that area of Macon, no one could say “no” to the property. So we began discussions with our Expansion Team and other leaders in the church, and group by group, the response was overwhelmingly the same. Not only was the answer not “no” but it was “YES,” this could be amazing.

Gospel Transformation
Thirteen years ago, New City started with a dream of seeing our city transformed by the gospel. We have had the honor to be deeply involved in the early years of Macon’s downtown renewal. We created The 567 Center for Renewal that continues today as a part of Macon’s Arts scene. We were involved in renovating two historic downtown buildings, investing close to $2 million into our city through those renovations. We served as a venue for the Bragg Jam Music Festival as well as the Macon Film Festival. Our people have volunteered and helped pull off more festivals than I can count. We have seen our people start new downtown businesses. Our people have bought homes downtown and are raising families. It has been AMAZING.
Without hesitation, again and again, as our Partners (New City Members) walked through the old Rooms to Go Building they asked, “Why can’t we be a part of seeing that happen here?” “Wouldn’t it be great if we could be a part of seeing this part of the city renewed?”
Maybe we can.

Thirteen years ago they said we were crazy! “You can’t start a church downtown, no one will come.” “If you want to start a church, start it in North Macon, that’s where people are moving.” I’m glad we didn’t listen.

Our people come from all over Macon, some even from Forsyth and Warner Robins. For the most part, they understand that New City Church is on a mission. They get that we are sojourners, and as much as they love our current building, they know we are far more than a building. They see that our Missional Communities are located and ministering all over Macon making us more than a downtown church. Overwhelmingly the response has been, “Let’s try this!” So we are.

What’s Next?
We have prayed from the start that God would either open the many doors that would have to be opened or that he would clearly keep them closed. So far they have all opened. The property is under contract and set to close as early as the end of December. While most of the doors have easily opened, we are still waiting on one, and it could delay closing. If it goes as the attorneys are telling us it will, we will soon close on the purchase of the building and begin working with an architect. We’ll get our current building on the market for sale and begin work - work not only on the building but in new partnerships in West Macon for the renewal of that part of our city.

We’re still pretty early in this process, but we are really excited about the possibilities and still trusting God with opening and closing doors. Pray with us and for us in the days to come. We’ll keep you posted on the process.

Pictures and Possible Building Layout Plans


"And They Cheered!"


WARNING: You Are Drifting