A Place to Make, to Teach and to Send
That's really the church's call - make disciples, teach them what it means to follow Jesus and then send them out to make more disciples. As I worked on plans for the new building this morning, that is what I was thinking about, making, teaching and sending. The move to the new building will give us the opportunity to be 100% New City Church, not sharing space with The 567. This will free us to use 100% of our space 100% of the time for this mission - making, teaching, sending.
Below are our thoughts for how we might lay out the new building.
The entire basement dedicated to reaching and teaching kids.
A large and inviting lobby leading to an architecturally amazing worship center.
An upper floor with offices and balcony seating overlooking the stage and worship center.
The plans may change once the architect gets going, but this should at least give you an idea of where we are headed.