A Bird Carries A Seed

PrintIn God's order, a bird may carry a single seed for miles and miles before dropping it. The seed is covered and watered and its roots dig into the soil and before long the seed becomes a tree and the tree bears fruit.  It is a beautiful thing and amazing if you think about it.  God not only works that way with birds and seeds but with us and through us - often in ways we never see. Today I had a pop-in visitor - not unusual, but this time it was something special... it was Dave White, a pastor - the lead pastor of Christ Chapel Galax in VA... I first met Dave and his wife Beth when they were working with the kids ministry at Christ Chapel here in Macon.  Their lead pastor heard that we were starting a church downtown and after talking with me introduced me to Beth and said, "Beth, take Keith through the kids area and whatever he needs, give him," and she did.  We loaded my Xterra to the roof from front to back. Then they went a step further and provided more than 20 Christ Chapel volunteers to serve on our first day as New City Church so that our people could just enjoy the moment. They were investing in us, planting a seed.

A few years later I heard that Dave was sensing the Spirit of God leading him to do something different - start a church. Dave and I met and talked a number of times and New City Church, through The 567 invited Dave to start Christ Chapel Downtown right here in our building on Sunday nights and he took us up on it.  Dave and Christ Chapel Downtown struggled to gain traction and grow in number... but God was growing Dave and preparing him for something else... to leave Macon and plant a new church in a new city, far, far away - Christ Chapel Galax, VA.  Dave and I talked and prayed over the Spirit's stirring and Dave shut down Christ Chapel Downtown to follow God to Galax.

I follow Dave and Beth on Facebook - what a joy. I saw Dave was in town this week and I almost sent him a message so that we could get together and catch up... I didn't because I know how many people he has to squeeze into a short time when he comes back to Macon. But the Spirit stirred and Dave came to see me... I needed it.  Dave wanted to thank me, us, New City again for our investment and belief in him and in his church planting. As we talked I learned that this new church plant in Galax, Va is doing GREAT!  Their attendance this spring has averaged well over 200 and they continue to grow. Dave shared with me how they prayed to win the lost and have seen 140 people profess faith in Christ.  God is doing something amazing in little Galax, VA through Dave and Beth and Christ Chapel!

As I heard Dave telling his story, God was whispering to me, "This is your story too. The seed my Spirit carried to Virginia was nurtured and watered by you. And the 140 who have professed my Son are your fruit too."

A bird carries a seed, roots dig deep, a plant bears fruit.  This fruit, New City, is our fruit too.


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