7 Reminders For Easter Weekend Volunteers

It is hard to believe that it is almost Easter weekend again. Easter weekend is such an exciting time to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Many people will enter our services this Good Friday and Easter Sunday for the first time and we have the great opportunity to welcome them into the family of God. These 7 reminders will help us to put our best foot forward. Thank you so much for serving this weekend!

  1. Remember why we welcome guests. Through the gospel, God welcomes us (the stranger) into His family and gives us a seat at His table. We are commanded in Scripture to be hospitable. The word “hospitality” in Romans 12:13 and Hebrews 13:2 literally means to "love strangers”. We love and welcome others as Christ has loved and welcomed us.

  2. Show up on time. If you do this, your task-work will be done well before people begin arriving and this will free you up to be responsive & available to guests.

  3. Outward-Facing Posture. The point of the Connect Team is to point people to Jesus. We can’t serve our guests if we’re in a huddle with our friends. New City’s Connect Team should be proactive, outward-facing, and intentional so that we will see our guests before our guests see us.

  4. Be diligent. A guest who is attending may represent years of prayer, service and invitation by a church member. These are people coming to us to hear and see what we believe to be true about God and the gospel. Let’s be careful to be good stewards of the people God is bringing to us.

  5. Check your excitement level. Drink your morning coffee! Be energetic, excited, and happy. Give guests a great experience by showing them you’re excited they’re here. Spend some time in prayer before you serve this weekend and ask God to help give you a spirit of excitement to welcome people into His family.

  6. Pay attention to details. Pick up trash on the floor and outside. Don’t assume guests know where to go. Point them to the children’s check-in, connect bar, restrooms, mother’s room, and the sanctuary. 

  7. Thank you. Last but certainly not least, your volunteer “job” is very important. When the Connect Team nourishes a culture of hospitality, we are a concrete reminder to the entire congregation that guests matter. Think of the Connect Team as "missional training wheels" for our church. Focusing on welcoming reminds people our church exists for those who are not yet a part of it.


Welcome Strangers, Especially this Easter


Loving Our City: Serving DFCS